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Superb Rice


  • 1 cup of white rice, long grain recommended
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (Probably use the type that has added iodine in it. Gotta get those nutrients!)
  • 1 teaspoon of fat of your choice (butter, margerine, or cooking oil are recommended)
  • At least 1 1/2 cups of water (if you want the rice to be more mushy, use 2 cups of water)


  1. Put the rice and water in a rice cooker or pot. For the pot, make sure it's on a stove that's heating it, medium to low heat.
  2. Swish it around a bit just to make sure everything's good. You don't have to "wash" the rice, but you can if you want to: put in water, swish it around, pour out the water, add more water, then repeat until the water is clear. Then completely drain it of water, and add the 1 1/2 cup of water meant for the actual cooking.
  3. Put in the salt and fat, and stir it around a bit.
  4. For a rice cooker, just turn it on and let it cook. Come back around halfway through (where most of the water has evaporated) to stir the rice around. Be careful, it'll be hot!
  5. For a pot on the stove, you'll have to check on it more often to stir it. This is mainly to avoid the rice getting burnt and stuck to the bottom of the pot. In the later stages, it'll be hot, so again be careful!
  6. How long it will take depends on how you cooked it. In a rice cooker, most of them have an automatic setting with no adjustments, and it usually takes maybe half an hour to an hour to fully cook. In a pot on the stove, it depends on how high you set the heat, but be aware that higher heat means more risk of burning!
  7. Either way, the rice will be done once the water is evaporated and the rice is tender. Serve alongside whatever main and side dishes you want to eat it with! This makes about 4 or 5 servings of rice, depending on how generous you are with the proportions.

My Ramblings About This Recipe

You're probably thinking, "That's it? All this for rice?" And yep, that's really it! My family and I dislike just plain rice (i.e. just the rice and water and then cook it), so this was something my dad came up with to make it more tasty. After a certain point of adding a bit more every time, his version ended up using a lot more salt and fat, where eventually we had to tell him to cut back on it! So this is a version that's lighter on those ingredients without sacrificing the flavor too much. You might be able to cook it with up to a whole tablespoon of each, but I'd recommend being very careful if you decide to try that out!

Anyways, yeah, this is a pretty basic rice recipe. You could add other seasonings to this too, but be careful that you don't end up making this too salty, since that can ruin the whole thing! I'd recommend testing with a teaspoon of other seasonings at most, and see what works for you.